Social Media starter kit.
Total price: £700.00
Create a consistent presence on Social Media.
We’ll set-up your account profiles and include a set of pre-designed templates for 4 social media channels, including your social media profile and brand identity, 5 social posts for each of the media channels to get your social media working to drive awareness for your business.
You’ll also receive a framework for creating ongoing content.
A deposit of 50% of the total price is payable when you order.
When we finalise your Social Media kit, we’ll send you an invoice to request the remaining amount to pay.
Additional information
Social Media channel set-up | set-up of 4 social media channels, choose from YouTube* Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Google+, Linkedin. Includes setup of social media profile and brand identity. 5 content posts for each social channel (each post will contain the same subject matter adapted for each social media channel of your choice) setup will include a social media framework which will show you the subjects and type of posts that will engage and raise awareness for your business. |